IIHA | Irish Ice Hockey League 2007-2010

Irish Ice Hockey League 2007-08

c – Dundalk Bulls151410042
Dublin Rams161140134
Flyers IHC Dublin16781023
Belfast City Bruins144100012
Latvian Hawks Dundalk14113003


Irish Ice Hockey League 2008-09

c – Dundalk Bulls111001.955
Latvian Hawks Dundalk12921.788
Dublin Rams15960.600
Belfast Giants IIHL13490.310
Dublin Wolves11380.278
Flyers IHC Dublin121110.083


Irish Ice Hockey League 2009-10

c – Charlestown Chiefs6500671415
Dundalk Bulls6410542314
Flyers IHC Dublin413014255
Dublin Rams413010393
Castlereagh Spartans40409540



Following a brief Ice Hockey League in Ireland in the 1990s, another Irish Ice Hockey League started up in 2007, lasting until 2010 when the Dundalk Ice Bowl closed due to the economic crisis in Ireland at the time.


Dundalk Bulls would win the first two titles in 2007-08 and 2008-09, and then the Charlestown Chiefs, based in West Dublin, would win a curtailed 2009-10 season.

The League would then fold due to lack of available ice, until 2015 when the Dundonald Ice Bowl became available for Ice Hockey, leading to a new Cross-Border Cup.



[5] Roberts, Stewart (2011). The Ice Hockey Annual 2010-11 pg. 130. Brighton


[1] Elite Prospects (2008) IIHL 2007-2008 [Internet] Available from: http://www.eliteprospects.com/league_home.php?leagueid=341&startdate=2007 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[2] Elite Prospects (2009) IIHL 2008-2009 [Internet] Available from: http://www.eliteprospects.com/league_home.php?leagueid=341&startdate=2008 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[3] Elite Prospects (2010) IIHL 2009-2010 [Internet] Available from: http://www.eliteprospects.com/league_home.php?leagueid=341&startdate=2009 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[4] Latvian Hawks (2009) IIHL 2008-2009 Standings [Internet] Available from: https://lvhawks.wordpress.com/latvian-hawks/iihl-20082009-standings/ [Accessed 18 October 2016]


Thanks to Lenka Mulligan.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 31 December 2018

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and INAWSA 2018

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved.

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